Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Evaluation Question 1- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of film openings)

For evaluation question 1 i am going to create a photo grid using Photoshop and Choose nine frames from my main task, that represent: 

  • The title of the film
  • Setting/location
  • Costumes and props
  • Camerawork and editing
  • Title font and style
  • Story and how the opening sets it up
  • Genre and how the opening suggests it
  • How characters are introduced
  • Special effects
Underneath these nine frames i will be writing  detailed explanations, explaining why i have made these choices, and how they compare to typical horror films.

My first frame which is on the top left hand corner represents the title of my film, as you can see the name of my film is Hallucinations. We decided to place out title at the end of our 2:00 sequence because we thought it fits better showing it at the end rather than giving the whole story-line of the film in the beginning and also because after the dramatic scene of the TV you suddenly end with the title fading in, with the ambient music fading out.

My second frame establishes my setting and location of the film, i have chosen to take a long establishing shot. I have decided to set the basis of my film in a house because for a psychological horror, this is a main convention which I feel will allow the audience to put themselves in the characters positions. This will also create realism, something that every film must include in order to create a film of a professional and sophisticated level.

My third frame shows the costume and props used within the opening sequence very well. Both of my characters within the frame are portrayed as their character personality look. For example, the character playing ' Leena Wilkes', i have clearly given her the depressed and lost look. By wearing a casual outfit consisting of skinny jeans and a dark blue jumper, she is able to reflect her young age and her innocence. On the other hand i have however, i planned to dress the antagonists friend 'Maya Stone' with an outfit consisting of a red party top and black skinny jeans to connotate that she is happy and cheerful and not in the same postion as 'Leena Wilkes'.  

My fourth frame shows the camerawork and editing that is used within this opening sequence. This frame is a panning shot of the antagonist's mum and her in the past. We have used an old and rusty effect to put across to the audience that this frame is not ongoing in the film but is actually in the past. As well as the editing effect we have also put a voice over to explain to the audience of whats going within the frame, this was done so they do not get confused on whats going on.

My fifth frame is our production company and title font and style. I have chosen for our logo to be a human skull with clogs filling the outline. This represents that this movie is going to play with the audeinces' mind. It also links back to the genre of our film which is psycholgical horror, which is playing with your mind. We chose for our font to be diffrent to our credits and title font becuase we wanted our production to look sleek and not to horror.

My sixth frame represents our story and how the opening sets it up. From this frame the audience can see the two charecters body language and surrondings. They can also cleary see that both chahracters are sat at home relaxing while studying this is portryed through costumes and props.

My seventh frame represents the genre and how the opening suggests its a psycholgical horror film. This frame is a shot of the TV with the anatagonists (Leena Wilkes) mum on it, this shot is portraying a Hallucination which is seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, or smelling something that is not there. Therefore, in this case the antagonist is seeing a halluncination,   but she is not at this point aware that the perceptions are false, whereas others may truly believe that what they are seeing is real. This sets the story of what going to happen later on the film.

My eigth frame represents how my charecters are introduced. In this frame they are talking about whats exactly is going on within the frame.  In sets the story and establishes who is the victim and friend. It also portrays their body language and how 'Leena Wilkes' is depressed because she is clearly not focusing on her work whereas 'Maya Stone' is.

My ninth frame represents a special effect that we have used, so it doesn't get boring. The special effect we have used is, a voiceover of the antagonists friend 'Maya Stone' when she is walking out. This is used to keep the audience engaged as well as to show the inner feeling and expressions of the characters. In the voiceover she is expressing what she thinks about'Leena Wilke's' situation. Straight after this there is a dramatic cut into a scream, from this the audience suddenly thinks everything is going smoothly until the next shot which makes them jump.

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