Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Evaluation Question 5- How did you attract/address your audience?

For evaluation question 5 i have compared my poster to other psychological horror films. I have also interviewed a range of teenagers to get feedback and reaction after watching our main task. 

This is our poster for our short film

For our title font we have used a font called ‘Sliced Juice’ we chose this particular font because it had fading lines which links to our title of our main task which was ‘Hallucinations’ ; the idea that the victim is seeing, hearing and feeling something that is not there. Therefore this font is giving the audience a fade effect  suggesting that perceptions are false.

I edited the background colour on Photoshop; the effect was called a Dream effect which consisted of mixed shades of brown to give a distorted effect. This effect helps accompanying colours of the protagonist appear richer and brighter. Brown has connotations of steadfastness, simplicity, friendliness, dependability, and health, therefore giving the audience a clear picture of my protagonists inner feelings and personality.

I chose this particular shot composition, which is a mid-long shot because it shows part body language as well as part costume and facial expression. Therefore from this composition the audience can figure out that our protagonist looks distressed and isolated because she is looking down, also the costume of our protagonist is dark consisting mainly of the color black, this colour has connotations of mystery and is also associated with fear and the unknown.

For inspiration of our own poster we looked at "Orphan" which also is just a simple close-up shot of the antagonist at the front showing her expression. We also looked at "Dark Water" poster, which shows the antagonist on a more higher scale from knees to head, after looking at this we also decided to take a mid-long shot of our antagonist 'Leena Wilkes' because we thought it would be better to see part of her body language as well as facial expression  and background. We have chosen for our writing to be black and white, this is because it typically connotates the hallucinations swirl which consists of black and white spirals. Also we edited our background on Photoshop to create the old house colour look, this effect denotes depression and loneliness. 

We also interviewed our chosen target audience to see what their opinions were on our Main Task, we asked them the following questions:
  • Do you think the sub-genre fitted in well with the story-line?
  • What part of the poster made you come here today?
  • Did you understand that this film was a psychological horror, if not why? and if yes how?
  • Is there anything you particularly liked about the film?
  • What would you change about this film?
  • Would you pay to watch the rest of this film, if not why

After interviewing our target audience, we got honest and reliable feedback that helped us to realize our mistakes but also be happy for what we had constructed. When asked what they would change about the film, most of them answered the acting, this was because they thought that the protagonist didn't look very serious. On the other hand when they were asked if they understood the type of sub genre and if they understood the story-line they were all confident in saying that they understood it straight away because of the voice-overs and dialogue. 

Sadaf Anwar

This was a girl we interviewed after the showing of our film. Her name is Sadaf Anwar and she  is 17 and 6 months old, she is a typical teenager who likes her fashion and education and wants to do well in her life. We chose her as an example because she links with our protagonist who is also Asian and can be fitted well with personality and age. She would be able to understand our protagonist very well because she is in the same age category and most probably has same understandings of what goes on in life. When she was interviewed and asked 'what part of the poster made you come here?' she answered ' i quite liked the dark colour scheme' implying that she is interested in evil, death and overall horror.

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