Wednesday, 12 December 2012

The Ring- Does the Frequency of Cuts Relate to the Tension/ Excitement in a film Extract?

In our theory side of AS Media we were watching an extract from 'The ring'. After watching this extract we were analyzing whether the frequency of cuts relate to the tension/excitement in a film extract, we drawed a graph to clearly show whether this question was true or false. As you can see on the graph there is a line drawn in pencil, this was to show were i thought was most tension and were i thought there wasn't much when the line goes down. After doing this we watched the extract again and made a frequency table to assure ourselves how many cuts there were altogether by splitting it up into certain duration's within the film. From the data gathered we can conclude that the extract started off with a minimal number of cuts then increased and decreased one after the other until 1:46-2:12 minutes, this was the time duration when the number of cuts increased the most, this showed us that the frequency of cuts does relate to the tension/ excitement of this film extract because this is when the extract was building up in tension and excitement.  Another thing we saw in this extract was that there were some hidden images at the end between 2:11-2:12 that the audience would be unaware of in such a quick time, there are a total of 5 hidden images which also builded up the frequency of cuts and made tension. 

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